Posted in Lifestyle

5 Things You Can Learn About Life From Your Dog

We have three Labrador retrievers. Two brown and one yellow. I like to tell them that they are like a bunch of bananas, “the brown ones are bad and the yellow ones are good”. Honestly, I love all my dogs and they each have their good and bad traits. Though one thing they have in common is that they all “live the dog’s life”. Dogs really know how to live it up or chill it out. Here are my top five reasons you should take a cue from your pup on how to live your life.

1. Enjoy the Ride
Dogs don’t care where you take them, they just want to go along for the ride. Head stuck out the window, tongue out, breathing in the fresh air and totally absorbed in their surroundings. We all need time to relax and unwind and just enjoy the ride. Try being present in the moment and enjoy the now. Yesterday is over and we are not promised tomorrow. Today is all that we have so make the most of it.

2. Unconditional Love 
Your dog is always waiting at the door when you come home. They are crazy excited to see you whether you have been gone for five days or five minutes! That’s true love and loyalty. We humans need to take a lesson in love. It’s sometimes difficult for us to love others. Start with loving yourself, you can’t give away what you don’t have. With a stockpile of self-love, life and loving others gets a whole lot easier.

3. Wide Open Energy 
I told you we have three Labs right? Well if you ever had a Lab you know that they love to chase a tennis ball, in fact, they will chase it until they nearly collapse if you aren’t careful. Why do they do this? They’re full of energy and life and they’re having fun! So get out and get physical but do something you enjoy. Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Find a physical activity that resonates with you and then have fun with it!

4. Forgive & Forget 
Did you get home late? Forget to feed your furry friend? Maybe you just yelled at them for tracking mud across your just-cleaned-carpets? No matter what, your dog will forgive you. Dogs do not have the capacity to be mad at you. Dogs don’t even need to think about forgiveness, it’s natural for them. Forgiveness for us humans can be a little more challenging but the benefits are tremendous. Relief of stress, freedom from the past and greater happiness and health.  Hey, I’m liking the sound of that!

5. Gratitude 
Dogs, by nature, are happy creatures. They greet us after a bad day, they console us when we are sad. They always seem to know how we are feeling. Have you ever noticed them watching you?  Just waiting for a sign of acknowledgement? Wagging their tails when we take care of them? One of my Labs even “smiles” at us when we get home. He wrinkles up his nose and whiskers and literally smiles! We need this level of gratitude in our life. Being grateful for the things that are provided for us. Gratitude is what grounds and roots us. It is essential for a well-balanced life.

I will admit that sometimes my dogs drive me crazy but I wouldn’t give them up for the world. They brighten my day when I get home.  They keep me company and they make me laugh.

And they have taught me a thing or two about life in general. I hope that I have been able to enrich their lives as much as they have enriched mine but I seriously doubt that’s possible.