Posted in Lifestyle

All Things

Have you ever seen a t-shirt with the words, “A few things are possible.”

Of course not! That would be a lousy t-shirt, and no one would buy it! Mentally, however, we buy into the idea that only a few things in our lives are possible. We consistently doubt ourselves and our abilities.

Ironically, many of us have probably seen a t-shirt with the words, “All things are possible with God.” The question is, do we believe that? Or does it just sound good on a shirt? And if we say we believe it, then do we believe ALL things are possible? Or just a few?  It is a radical thought to believe that all things are possible. “All things” covers everything. It leaves nothing out.

The challenge in believing that all things are possible lies in how we believe. For instance, when we believe in something, there is always room for doubt. Believing is based upon what we have been taught. Often, we are taught things which we find out later are untrue. We must be able to believe with our whole hearts. Without a doubt. And, that can be pretty hard to do.

I suggest that we approach our belief from a place of knowing instead. Knowing something is entirely different from believing. Knowing is based on our own personal contact. Knowing comes from a personal encounter and it leaves no room for doubt. For instance, we might believe that we can ride a bike but until we do it, until we come into personal contact with it, we will not know it.

“All things are possible with God” is a verse that gives us hope. 

Often, however, we live lives where everything seems to be impossible. We might ask but we do not receive. We might try but we give up too soon. Or we try with half a heart, saying things like, “This probably won’t work.” or “I don’t want to get my hopes up.” We shoot ourselves in the spiritual foot before we even start. 

The reality is that hope may be the one thing that can get us through. So, why not get your hopes up? There is always more hope. It never runs out. Hope springs eternal. And, it is vital. It is more than just a positive outlook on life. It is a true gift from God, much like faith and love.  

By using the gift of hope and incorporating it into our daily lives we can start to live from a place of knowing. Because living in the hope that God gives us is one way to draw closer to Him. Knowing God is a game changer. Knowing exists without doubt. When we get to know God, truly know Him, that is when the possibilities get real. And that includes all of them.

Photo courtesy pixabay/jplenio

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