Posted in Lifestyle

Background Noise

Background noise is any sound other than the sound being monitored.

Sometimes you can’t hear the background noise even when it’s very loud.  You may feel agitated or annoyed.  You may feel like there is something tugging at you.  You may not be able to complete a thought or a conversation although you aren’t sure why.

And then, all of a sudden, that elusive noise becomes clear.  And you realize that this noise, whatever it is, a monotonous tone, a whistle, a beep has been in the background for some time.  A constant “pinging”, over and over, until you really truly hear it.

My background noise was a “ping” that told me to start writing again.  I ignored it for a really long time.  Until the background noise was so deafening that I had to stop and listen. 

So what’s in your background noise?

Write a book.


Take a class.




Tuning into your life can be as simple as listening for that “ping” that is probably already there. 

Are you listening?