Posted in Lifestyle

Big Ball Of Dirt

We went to a wedding last weekend where the only person we knew was the bride.  However, we met some interesting people while we were there.  We sat at a table with two other couples, one couple was in the middle of moving into a new home and the other couple had just moved here from Canada.   While I cannot recall the names of the people we met last week, I do remember how I felt sitting there laughing and sharing stories. 

Think about all the different people who pass through our lives.  There are innumerable encounters with people we will most likely never see again.  And while some might prefer not to spend time with strangers, I am always amazed at what I learn from people I don’t know. I have had some fortunate encounters and some not-so-fortunate encounters with various people in the past.  But every single one of them has allowed me to take wisdom from them.

I read somewhere that we are all just spinning on a large ball of dirt in the middle of nowhere.  It is a somewhat odd analogy, but it hit home with me for we are merely moments in time.  And all that we have are the experiences of this lifetime.  Encounters.  Relationships.  Memories.   

We forget that we are not permanent beings here.  In our hurried day-to-day existence, we focus on the demands of life.  On the next task at hand.   Forgetting that every second that passes is unique.  It cannot be rewound or redone.   And no moment can be the same as any before it.  So, we should take advantage of every single one of those seconds.

It occurs to me that we spend a lot of time on this big ball of dirt before making these kinds of realizations.  Before we understand that the practice of being present in each moment is not reserved only for those who sit contorted on mats and wear t-shirts about positivity.   Because living our lives with appreciation and gratitude is truly worthwhile.  Listening to someone prattle on at a wedding about the movers who didn’t show up is worthwhile.  Spending time with strangers is worthwhile.  Because they will surprise you with their stories and their insights.

And, because every second counts.  Every exquisite moment is just that, exquisite.  Ask the person who has just been given a month to live how precious time is.  Do we really need such a scenario to jolt us into reality?  Or, can we begin to live with purpose and intention because that is the reason we were put here, to begin with?

I refuse to look back one day and realize that I should have or could have.  I will look back and say, I did.  I will say that it was worthwhile.  And that every moment I spent on this big ball of dirt, spinning in the middle of nowhere, had purpose and direction. 

One thought on “Big Ball Of Dirt

  1. I enjoy meeting new people too, funny because i hated it when i was younger.. nice writing

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