Posted in Lifestyle

Chocolate Milk Day

In elementary school, Tuesday was chocolate milk day.  Every other day of the week was run-of-the-mill white milk day.  But oh how I looked forward to Tuesday! Most of the time I would buy two pints of milk that day.  I know it sounds peculiar, but I got so excited about the prospect of chocolate milk.  It was something out of the ordinary in an ordinary week.  It was something to look forward to.  And, this small thing made me happy.

So, what do you look forward to each week?  What brings a ray of sunshine into your day when you are over-worked and over-tired and it’s only Tuesday?  What’s your chocolate milk?

It doesn’t have to be something big.  In fact, it should be something little.    Something small that you can appreciate.  Something that brings you joy.  Happiness isn’t about just the big achievements in life.  It’s about the little things that make our daily lives a little better.  Like the quote says:

“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.”

If you can’t think of something that brings you joy each week, you may need to create it for yourself.  

Here are a few ideas to spark a little joy this week: 

Take a walk at lunchtime. 

Handwrite a personal note to a friend. 


Listen to music.

Read a novel.

Take a yoga class.

If none of these things suit your fancy, try grabbing a glass of chocolate milk.  It still works for me! 

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