Posted in Lifestyle

Do You See What I See?

I have recently been pondering this website that I have created.  It occurred to me that one day it did not exist and then the next day it did.  Okay, it didn’t really happen quite that fast.  I spent a fair amount of time researching how to create a website, determining which platform to use, figuring out how to get hosting, etc.  But before I sat down and actually did all of the work it was only a dream of mine.  The website itself did not exist. 

This leap from nothing to something started to make me wonder about what else might be possible.  I am currently in the process of writing several children’s books.  Right now they only exist on a jump drive and in my imagination but I have tons of ideas for illustrations and I am researching how to publish them.  Sure, there is plenty of work to be done before they will become actual books but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they will eventually exist in the material world. 

Think about the world we live in, everything that we have, everything that surrounds us.  At one time none of it existed.  Every single thing we have was an idea first.  Every. Single. Thing.  There was an idea for a lightbulb long before a lightbulb was created through experiments and hard work.

Thoughts can become things.  If we can think it we can do it.  Clearly just thinking about something does not make it a reality.  It takes determination and hard work to create something.  But first, it takes thought.  A dream.  An idea.  It also takes a big dose of belief.  A belief that your vision is possible and that you will succeed. 

We need vision and belief because our dreams are fragile and can easily be broken.  Hold them tight and guard them because they can be squelched all too quickly.  People will tell you that your dream is impossible.  They are wrong.  People will tell you that your idea has been done before.  I say that if it hasn’t been done by you then, no, it hasn’t been done before.  Each of us adds our own special touch and uniqueness to an idea that no one else can duplicate. People will tell you many things; that that market is flooded, that the time has passed, that too many people are already doing it. I have been told that it’s nearly impossible to get a book published.  That is probably true.  It is nearly impossible.  The keyword here is “nearly”.  The definition of nearly is: very close to; almost. 

However, it is the “very close” and the “almost” that keeps me going.  Those words provide the crack in the not-quite-closed-door, the foothold on the mountainside.  That tiny space exists to be filled.  That open niche enables us to keep our dream alive because that small space is where hope lives. That small space is where faith lives.

So how do you view that dream that you are reaching for?  Do you see abundance or scarcity when you think about achieving it?  Do you see the market as flooded or do you see opportunity?

I am fortunate that I was born an optimist. My glass has always been half full.  I don’t know how to live my life any other way and I am eternally grateful for this.  When I look at the world I see abundance.  I see it surrounding me every day.  It is everywhere I look. 

Wayne Dyer was right when he said, “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” When we change the way we see the world and when we search for only the good in things and the positive in people then that is what we will find. 

As a writer, I don’t see a market flooded with books.  I see a market flooded with readers.  I see abundance and opportunity so much that I know if I continue to work hard toward my dream with unrelenting belief and faith then I can trust that I am nearly there.