Posted in Lifestyle

Everything Changes

Everything changes.  All of the time.  Our children grow up, we change jobs, we move to new locations.  Big changes, little changes, subtle changes – all can cause some upheaval or chaos.  We can be resistant to change but we cannot stop it.

I wonder, however, what if there was no change in our lives?

Without change, I wouldn’t have known what it was like to be a mother. 

Without change, I wouldn’t have developed all of the amazing friendships I have.

Without change, I would still be stuck thinking about starting a website someday.

I believe that our intuition, our inner voice, guides us toward change.  It nudges us, it gives us hints and funny feelings. 

Much of the time, however, we aren’t listening.  We busy ourselves, we ignore our hunches and we resist the very change that might be just what we are looking for.  I believe that we all have an incredible inner wisdom, we just need to practice listening to it.

Consider this:

“To become a butterfly, metamorphosis is necessary.  If the caterpillar never went through this process of change, it would never achieve its great destiny and become its most glorious self.”

“What if that change you’re avoiding is the one that gives you wings?”