Posted in Lifestyle

Existing in Possibility

What are you grateful for and inspired by?

I am inspired by children.  I love their authenticity.  I love their imagination.  I love that they exist in possibility.  They wake up to a world of possibility and they believe in what is possible all day long.

As a child, I just wanted to grow up so I could do what I wanted to do, make my own rules and not listen to what adults were telling me.  Now that I am an adult, I long for the ease of being a child again.   

Children enjoy the small things in life.  A popsicle or a visit with a puppy can make their day.  (I am totally with them on the puppy thing!)  Remembering the small things in life and taking the time to enjoy them makes all the difference in the world.  What small things make you happy?

Children also choose what they want to do based on how they feel.  If it sounds fun and exciting, that’s the ticket!  And, they have the ability to stay present in the moment, to be absorbed in what they are enjoying.  As adults, we tend to choose things based on what other people think.  We need to remember that we can choose to do something just because it will be fun. 

If we can learn to incorporate more childlike behavior into our lives, we can learn to live more from the heart.  Less from fear and more from curiosity.  Less from worry and more from freedom. 

So get excited about the small things in life and add some fun into your day.  Act like a kid once in a while.  Buy an ice cream cone, jump in a puddle or belly laugh at one of your own jokes.  And, consider the possibility of existing in possibility.