Posted in Lifestyle

Gone Fishin’

Today was a good day.  A relaxing day.  A chance to visit with friends and enjoy the holiday.  I also got to spend a little time fishing. This quiet time with a fishing pole in your hand is a rare opportunity to feed your soul.  It’s peaceful and it gives you time to think.  Today, I thought about my dad as I cast my line into the water.

My dad loved to fish and he took me and my sister often.  Sometimes these trips were planned and we would sit by the shore fishing and eating bologna sandwiches. But, often times they were unplanned.  These impromptu fishing excursions were just quick stops by the side of the road.  Dad would pull the car over by a nearby creek and say “we’ll just stop for a minute to see if anything bites”.  His tackle box and rod were always in his car “just in case”. Of course minutes would turn to hours, but it was a wonderful time with my father that I will never forget.

My dad taught me how to bait a hook and cast a line.  But he also taught me how to drive a car, how to stick up for myself, how not to wear my heart on my sleeve, how to be kind and giving.  How to be true to your word.  To always say please and thank you.  To always be honest.  Not to lie or steal. To be fair and to put other people first. I know that many of these things are very basic but they are also essential.  And to my father they were non-negotiable.  I think we could use a little more of that in the world today.

Today, as I sat by the water, I missed him more than ever. He has been gone for three years now.  But I also smiled as I threw out my line.  I heard him whisper clearly in my ear, just as I did so many years ago. “Reel it in a little slower.” and “Just have a little patience.” And for just a moment I fishing with my dad again. And that made me smile.

2 thoughts on “Gone Fishin’

  1. What a wonderful blog! To go down memory lane about your caring, loving dad is so heartwarming. And I couldn’t agree with you more, the world does need more of that kind of love in the world. You were blessed to have such a wonderful father.

  2. I think he taught me to be silly sometimes. It is ok to be silly amd not take the day so seriously! Wave at strangers, honk your horn to say hello! Remember that so well. Love you

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