Posted in Lifestyle

Happy Endings

If a movie or book doesn’t end the way that I want it to.  I change it.  I have been doing this for as long as I can remember.  And, I certainly never saw any harm in it.  My husband, however, insists that this can’t be done. 

His arguments against it are plausible.  He will tout that contrast is needed to make a good movie.  Or, he will say that “life just doesn’t work that way”.  On an intellectual level, I agree with him.  Life doesn’t always go the way we want it to.  The good guys don’t always win, and endings can be less than optimistic. But I believe that movies and books are made for entertainment so I may choose the ending that pleases me. In my world, Goose never dies in Top Gun and the Titanic never sinks.  Let’s just say that I prefer happy endings.

Last night, however, I finished reading a novel that had no end.  The main character was faced with a question that she did not answer.  The reader is left not knowing what she decided to do.  After being totally immersed in this story, I was angered to find out that there was no conclusion.  I felt slighted by the author.  Duped.

This morning, however, I had a different view.  I have been rewriting endings to movies and books my entire life.  I am somewhat of a pro at it so why not write the ending to this story as well?  In fact, the author did me a favor.  I am free to choose whatever ending I deem fitting.  It’s rather perfect when you think about it.

Our lives are similar this way in that each one of us is the author of our own story.  We write our own script. We choose the characters that make contributions to our story.  And, if the script is not going as planned, then it’s time to adjust it.  Rewrite it, if necessary, so that when you get to the end of your story, you’re happy with it.   

I have been told that I see the world through rose-colored glasses.  If you’re not familiar with the saying, it means to see a situation in very good terms, often better than it is.  I can’t deny that isn’t true.  I can’t deny that I change outcomes to make them better, more pleasant.  I can’t deny that I always look for the good and even the best in people.  I can’t deny that rose-colored glasses are my favorite color to wear. 

I think everyone should have a pair of these magical glasses that give us a glimpse of our altruistic potential.  Our ability to create better situations.  To live with authenticity and integrity at our center.  To be the force of good in the world.  And, to focus on the things that bring us joy in every circumstance. 

Because when we begin to view the world with optimism and hope, we can’t help but live our lives that way. And, when we can do that, happy endings are inevitable.

One thought on “Happy Endings

  1. Rose colored glasses, please and thank you! I am happy to be a glass half full person, I know life isn’t always candy and sunshine, but I like to think that maybe today – it might be. I am glad to hear there is some one else who ‘fixes’ the endings to books and movies! it usually makes for a better story, in my opinion! lol
    love your writing!!

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