Posted in Lifestyle

Heart Wishes

When I was a kid, it wasn’t often that I would pass a fountain or pond that I didn’t find myself digging into my pocket for some change.  I would close my eyes, make a quick wish, and toss my coin into the water.  I loved to stand and look at the glittering pennies beneath the surface and wonder what wishes had been attached to them.

I can remember wishing to not have to wear glasses or never have to eat liver for dinner again.  As I got a little older, I wished for pollution to end and for the whales to be saved.  There always seemed to be something to wish for.

Of course, I realize that wishes are just dreams. We don’t really expect something to happen just because we toss a nickel into a fountain.  But even so, in making a wish, I find that I focus on something that I would like to have happen.  Something that has some meaning for me.  And, for a split second, I have a “what if” moment.  An instant where I entertain the possibility of my wish coming true.  And, what if it did?

One of my dreams is to publish a children’s book.  Now, I could certainly find a fountain and toss in a quarter and wish for this to happen, but it probably wouldn’t work any better than my wish for “no liver at dinner”.

What I can do, however, is make a commitment to achieving that dream and take the necessary steps toward it.   Surround myself with those who have accomplished what I want to accomplish and learn from them. Every success story has left a trail of breadcrumbs to follow. Find someone who is doing what you want to do and walk in their steps.  You don’t have to blaze a new trail when there are so many paths already available to you.

I can also join a critique group or a writing club.  It’s helpful to make yourself accountable.  Let people know what you are doing so that you are held responsible for what you are trying to achieve. 

And, most important of all, enjoy what you are doing.  Truly indulge in your dream and find the joy in it.  Following our dreams should make us happy first and foremost.  Anything that happens beyond that is a bonus.  Stop focusing on how it will work, or won’t work, or even how you will make money at it.  If you love what you are doing, the rest will follow.

Adults don’t typically indulge in wish-making; however, I do believe that wishes can show us where our dreams lie.  Because wishes come from our hearts and our hearts always speak the truth.  Our hearts are here to guide us and move us forward.  So, ask your heart what it wants, listen to it, and follow it.  It will never lead you astray.

If you have a dream in your heart, it’s never too late to put your heart in your dreams. 

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