Posted in Humorous

Hey Google! Get my dog off the front porch!

Now that we have a fancy new doorbell that comes with a camera connected to Google, we can see who’s on our front porch via our cellphone.  This weekend, a visitor arrived when we weren’t home.  It was Trapper, our 95 lb. yellow lab.  He is very good at scaling the back yard fence and getting out.  The funny thing is, he doesn’t run away, he just comes to the front door. 

Here he is on Sunday afternoon. 



My daughter tried talking to him through the speaker on the doorbell.  Apparently, this caused him great stress!  More barking ensued and he pawed at the windows as he stared eagerly inside. Eventually, with the help of our neighbor, we got him inside.

Google is a very helpful tool. 

It will be an even better tool when it can actually retrieve my dog off the front porch when I’m not home!

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