Posted in Humorous

If The Shoe Fits

We have a small dilemma at our house.  My husband needs a new pair of tennis shoes.  The average person may think that this would involve a quick trip to Nike or possibly placing an order on Amazon.  The average person would be very wrong in this assumption.

I would say that my husband is a pretty easy going guy but he can be particular about a few things.  Power tools, peanut butter and tennis shoes are probably his top three.  I’ve got the first two figured out: DeWalt and Jiff no questions asked.  After twenty-seven years of marriage, I know this to be the truth.  However, this tennis shoe thing is another story altogether.

You see, he has been buying the same tennis shoes now for about the last seven years. Same brand, same style, same color.  Seven years in a row.  It was “the” tennis shoe.  About two years ago, however, the shoe was discontinued. We searched every store we could think of but it was nowhere to be found!  Finally, in a frantic-shoe-frenzy I searched eBay and found four brand new pair of the exact shoe.  After some heated debate about how many pairs we should purchase, we settled on three pair.

Considering that these were the last four pair of his most favorite tennis shoe on the entire planet I’m not sure why I agreed to buy only three.   But that is water under the bridge now.  Fast forward to today. The final three pair of shoes have trod their final miles.   

We now face a bleak and most uncertain future knowing that we will never again find the same shoes.  Thus we must begin the tedious and arduous task of scouring the local athletic stores for “the” next shoe that will ultimately carry us into the year 2026.  The only solace I can hope to offer my husband in a world of tennis-shoe-uncertainty would possibly be a new drill or maybe a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  That is if DeWalt and Jiff haven’t gone out of business.