Posted in Lifestyle

Junk Mail

I love to delete junk emails. The kind that you don’t even have to open.  As soon as you seem them, you know they’re trash.  I am almost giddy as I highlight an entire group, hit the little trash can icon and watch them disappear into the electronic abyss. 

There’s a simple reason we’re given the option to delete emails. There’s limited space to keep them. If you want to be able to receive new messages, you have to delete the old ones.

So, why do I bring this up?  

Because sometimes I wish we each had a mental “trash can” button.  One we could use to delete the daily barrage of incoming negativity in our lives.

Like, the guy who just cut you off in traffic. 

Or, the person who just said something rude to you.

Or, maybe just the endless stream of bad news we see each morning when we turn on the news.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting we bury our heads in the sand about important issues.  I’m just saying it’s easy to overload our brains with unnecessary negative messages.  And, when all we can focus on is what went wrong today, it makes it harder to receive the incoming good messages.  

So, hit the mental “trash” button on those negative messages.  Permanently.  No archiving please!  We all love to look back and rehash everything that went wrong. 

Instead, start paying attention to what you are thinking.   When you are aware of your thoughts, you can change them.  Try replacing each negative thought with a positive one.    I have heard that it takes at least six positive thoughts to override one negative thought.

So let me leave you with a positive quote today:

“There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking.”  Brian Tracy