Posted in Humorous

Kitchen Intervention

Few things will cause a disturbance in the home like reorganizing the kitchen.  This may sound odd but I occasionally like to move everything in my kitchen to a new location.  It’s really just a matter of tweaking some things.  I may decide that the glasses would be better in another cabinet or the odd utensils fit better in another drawer.  I am somewhat of a neat freak and I love things organized but I never thought this was unusual or should be considered odd behavior.

My family tells another side of the story, however. They complain that they cannot find anything.   They feel that I have moved everything on purpose.  This is absolutely not true.   But it is funny.  I never realized I would find such pleasure in being the only person who knows where the egg slicer is.  The only person who can quickly find the potholders.  It gives me a sense of power and authority.

To be certain, this constant moving of kitchen items is causing my husband great stress.  He likes to cook on occasion but becomes increasingly frustrated as he opens one drawer after another in search of the spatulas.  Recently, this problem has escalated as I must confess that I am starting to forget where I moved everything.  Whereas before I could quickly spout off that the popcorn maker was definitively in the lower cabinet now I just know that I put it “somewhere”.  Still, my infatuation with moving things persists.  I know that this madness must stop.  Our marriage is on shaky ground if I move the salt and pepper shakers one more time. 

I knew that it had gone too far when I came home one day and my family was gathered around the table.  They asked me to sit down.  With a somber look on their faces, they said that I must curb my desire to relocate the silverware and frying pans.  It was at that moment that I realized I had a problem.  They say that’s the first step in the recovery process.  Since the kitchen intervention I have come up with a solution and I have agreed to go cold turkey and stop moving things at home.  Things are improving and everyone seems to be much happier now.

My solution you ask? Have I mentioned that there’s a kitchen at my office?  Why, yes, there is. I believe it is in need of some reorganization.  Nothing too big.  It’s really just a matter of tweaking some things.

2 thoughts on “Kitchen Intervention

  1. LOLOL! That is hilarious! And I think I have the same problem…are there weekly meetings for this ailment?
    On the flip side, my husband must have the opposite illness. He will put things away, but never in the same spot (that would be too easy!). So I in turn must hunt for items he has, so lovingly, ‘put away’!!
    LOVE your writing!

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