Posted in Lifestyle

Mumbo Jumbo

When was the last time you had “one of those days”? You know the kind of day I mean. You hit the snooze button one too many times and now you’re running late for work!   You are almost ready to leave but the dog won’t come back in the house or you just spilled coffee all over your shirt!  The day hasn’t even started yet and you’re already in a bad mood.

If you read my post yesterday, “Houston, We Have A Problem”, this would be a prime example of an event that could put you over the edge!  Although, we did not allow that to happen to us!

It’s way too easy to let the events of the day determine the mood that we are in. It’s easy to think that things are happening to us when really, we are allowing the events of the day to determine our state of mind. Things happen. It’s up to us to consciously process these events and make thoughtful decisions about how we will react to them.

Paying attention to what is going on in the exact moment, in very simple terms, is called mindfulness. There’s a lot of talk about mindfulness right now. Is there anything to it? Or is it just a lot of mumbo jumbo?

I suppose that’s up to you to decide. If you want some suggestions to give it a try, here are my top 9 ideas to help get you started:

1. Awaken with Gratitude

2. Practice Morning Meditation

3. Write in a Journal

4. Read Inspirational Content

5. Set a Daily Intention

6. Define Three Daily Goals

8. Connect with Nature

7. Be Present with Your Family

9. Recite Positive Affirmations

Pick one thing and try it every day for a week. See if you notice a difference in your life. Stick with it every day for two weeks and that is the beginning of a habit. Hang in there for two months and your habit will become automatic. You won’t even have to think about it!

And that’s no mumbo jumbo!