Posted in Lifestyle

New Year’s Quest

What images come to mind when you hear the word “quest”?

Is it Journey to the Center of the Earth, and the decent into an Icelandic volcano? Or, perhaps, The Lord of the Rings, and a band of dwarves on a dangerous mission to reclaim their gold? Or maybe it’s,  Indiana Jones and his attempt to recover the long-lost Ark of the Covenant?

Whatever images we conjure from these epic tales, we most often believe that a quest is for someone else. Someone stronger, swifter, smarter and probably, most certainly, in a work of fiction, such as a book or a movie.

But I suggest that anyone can embark upon a quest.

A quest is a mission, a task, an adventure. It is a search for something deep within us that we cannot ignore. A quest is something that calls us to greatness. It pulls us from the comfortable and the mundane and pushes us toward the unknown.

A quest is the promise of a life changing journey. It is the pursuit of who we know we can be deep within our own hearts. It is the opportunity to throw off our constraints and fly, to transform, and ultimately, return a changed individual.

A quest is seeking an uncertain path where the journey of transformation is everything.

So, this year, forget about goal setting. Embark upon a quest instead! A goal is simply the thing at the end of the quest. It will come at the completion of your journey.

This year, forge your own path of discovery. Follow your heart. Defeat your dragons. Then come back to share your story. But most of all, enjoy the adventure.  

Happy questing and happy new year!

Photo courtesy Pixabay/cocoparisienne

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