Posted in Lifestyle

no·ta·ble (1. noun/2. adjective)

Listed under Notable deaths this week was an iconic basketball player for the LA Lakers.  His name was Kobe Bryant and he died in a tragic accident.  He was only forty-one years old.   And, it seemed to me that the entire world mourned him. 

I did not know Kobe.

And, I started to wonder why it is that we connect so strongly with famous athletes, musicians, and public figures when they die.  Most of whom we have never known personally. I think there are a couple of reasons. 

When a favorite performer, athlete or leader dies it reminds us of times in our lives that we most likely associate with them.  A favorite musician’s death may take us back to our high school prom or our first date.  A famous athlete may remind us of the games we attended with special friends.  In general, they may remind us of the feelings of happiness and hopefulness we had when we heard their music or watched them perform.

I also believe that they remind us of what is important to us.  Possibly the dreams we left behind or the desires we had that have gone unfulfilled.  Their departure reminds us of how short life really is.

So maybe, just maybe, they can also fuel us to reignite some of our own long lost passions and goals.

The interesting thing about the word notable is that when used as a noun, it is capitalized and refers to a famous person.  As an adjective, however, it is a description meaning worthy of attention and extraordinary.

There’s a good chance that most of us won’t achieve notable with a capital “N” but at a very minimum, we should all be striving for the small “n” in life.  The adjective meaning noteworthy, remarkable, outstanding, significant.

Because I believe we all have it in us.  And, there is no better time than now. 

Life is too short to continue to make excuses for why we aren’t following our dreams.  Every time we say “but I don’t have time”, “but I don’t know where to start” we make an argument for our limitations.

And when you argue for your limitations you will win every time.

If there is a cause you care about, a problem you want to solve or a mark that you need to make on the world, the time to be notable is now.