Posted in Lifestyle

On Purpose

It seems like everyone is trying to figure out their life’s purpose right now. Wondering what they are supposed to be doing with their lives. I count myself among those searching for deeper meaning and purpose, however, I’m not sure I’ve found a definitive answer yet. What I have found out is this: Just because you don’t know what to do with your life, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do anything at all.

We have a finite amount of time on this earth. Just a few days to hold someone’s hand or offer an encouraging word. To let someone ahead of us in traffic. To enjoy a sunrise. Time is ticking and eventually it runs out for each one of us.

I do know that what we do while we’re here matters. In fact, it matters a great deal. So be nice. Eat your veggies. Move your feet. Visit the beach every so often, it renews your soul. Become the person you admire. Don’t let the cynics win, fight them with everything you have.

Don’t watch the news. Watch the sunset instead. Hug your dog. Hug your kids. Call your parents, they won’t be here forever. Stretch. Breathe. Love. Stop binge watching TV, it’s not becoming. Read a book instead, it opens your heart and your mind. Write a book. It frees your soul. Be an inspiration to someone else.

Never assume that another person has it better than you do. Offer love, always and in every circumstance. Give your time without grumbling and complaining. Time is the greatest gift you have.

Laugh more often. Live your life in such a way that other people see God in you. Be someone’s friend. Pray for people who are mean to you. Pray extra hard for the extra mean ones.

Smile a lot. Smile when you don’t feel like it because it will make you feel like it.

Find something you love and do it. Simply because you enjoy it. Find someone who needs help and help them. Be kind.  Be the good in the world that you want to see.  

Who knows? Maybe these small things are our life’s purpose. Maybe we will find deeper meaning in life when we open our hearts to the things that have meaning to begin with.