Posted in Lifestyle

Plan B

Schools are closed.  Theaters and sports venues are shut down. Cruise ships, airlines and restaurants are restricted.    I have been trying to find my new normal this week after being sent to work from home at least until the end of the month.  Most everything in our world seems to be in upheaval.  More than once this week I have had to stop, take a deep breath and remind myself that this is all temporary and we will get through it.

It has been said that “Life is all about how we handle plan B.”

I guess it’s time for me to practice what I preach then, starting with acceptance.  Accepting the uncertain is never easy and requires ongoing practice.  Knowing that we cannot change things can make us feel anxious and stressed out.  In this time of uncertainty, know that you are not alone.  Allow yourself time to sort through your emotions.  If you journal, now is a good time to continue writing down how you feel.  It will help you work through your emotions.  If you don’t journal, now is a great time to start since you probably have some extra time on your hands at home.

Practice gratitude and focus on what is good.  It’s easy to get caught up in the negative news right now, especially if you tend to gravitate towards social media.  It’s easier for us to focus on what might go wrong instead of what might go right.  To counter all the negativity, write down three things you are grateful for.  Take a moment to think about this and be as specific as you can.  Focusing on something positive will help break the negative cycle that you may be caught in.   

Keep in touch with your friends and family.   We tend to focus inward when we are stressed out or worried.  Text your family and friends or better yet, give them a call.  Get outside and take a walk.   There is an old saying – “Get outside and get the stink blown off.”  I always took this to mean go outside and get some fresh air.  But I also think it could mean get a fresh attitude and clear your head.   Connecting with the outdoors always makes us feel better.

Finally, take care of yourself.  When I first started to work from home I felt scattered and anxious.  I reminded myself that I needed to keep a schedule so I set up a dedicated workspace and made a commitment to continue to get up at the same time each morning. I continue to journal, meditate and take walks.  Ask yourself what helps you feel centered?  It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just commit to doing the things that help you feel grounded.  Having a few simple rituals will help you feel calmer during all this uncertainty.