Posted in Lifestyle

Pure Imagination

I was out for a walk near our high school one afternoon when I noticed that the band had assembled for practice.  As I stopped to listen, they began to play “Pure Imagination” from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  If you’re not familiar with the song, it is played at the end of the movie when Charlie and Willy blast through the factory roof and fly away.  It just so happens that this is my all-time favorite piece of music and that afternoon the high school rendition was nothing short of spectacular.  I stood there mesmerized as they played the song over and over again. 

I am not sure why I am attracted to this particular piece of music, but I believe it has something to do with the way it makes me feel. 

Inspired.  Hopeful.  Peaceful.   

I believe that we spend all our lives in pursuit of a feeling.  Many times, however, it strikes one as a desire for things.  We want a new job that we think will make us happier.  We want to lose weight so that we will feel better about ourselves.  We want a new car that will make us feel important.

I have realized that the only reason we ever want anything in life is because of the way we think it will make us feel.  What I have found, however, is that we cannot satisfy our need for a feeling by achieving a goal or purchasing a thing.

Let’s take weight loss, for example.   We say to ourselves; I will love myself and be happy with myself after I lose weight.  The catch is, if you really want to lose weight, you absolutely must love and feel better about yourself first.   How many times have we lost weight only to gain it back a short time later?  Until we satisfy the need behind the desire (the need to feel loved, appreciated, worthy, etc.) we will be caught in an endless loop.

So, how do we remedy this?  I believe that it starts with loving ourselves, with making a conscious and unconditional decision to feel better about ourselves regardless of our circumstances.  To love ourselves exactly the way we are right this very moment.    

It starts by telling ourselves that we are valuable and that we are enough.  It starts with forgiving ourselves for our mistakes.  Basically, it starts with treating ourselves like we are our own best friend.

Learning to love ourselves takes time and commitment.  If we can see our endeavors through, however, everything in our lives will begin to improve.  We begin to notice our self-esteem is lifted, our health and well-being are enhanced and even our relationships become more meaningful.  Loving and connecting with ourselves is the first step in satisfying the feelings that we all desire.

2 thoughts on “Pure Imagination

  1. Another insightful writing on being human in an every day kind of way. so my thoughts on this are that loving one’s self is the first step in creating a better you. in a way, loving one’s self can be the motivation for creating positive change.

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