Posted in Lifestyle

Somewhere in the Middle

Starting a blog is an interesting thing. There are days when I think my writing is great.  There are days when I think my writing is pretty crummy.  Sometimes, most times, it’s both thoughts in the same day. 

I also think that my writing is probably neither.  It’s probably somewhere in the middle.

How often do we hope for things to be “somewhere in the middle”?  At work?  At the gym?  I find a little too often that I know exactly what I can do to squeak by.  Just how much I can do without doing too much, if you know what I mean.  It’s comfortable in the middle.  I don’t have to push myself there.

But is that how we are supposed to live our lives?  Hoping for somewhere in the middle? 

I find that the middle is the safe place.  It’s not too close to the edges.   If you get too close to the edge, why you just might fall!  But, have you ever stopped to think of what might happen if you fall?

Here’s what I think.  One of three things can happen when we fall.  Either we land on something soft, in which case we get up and try again.  We land on something hard, get up a little slower, (maybe with some choice words), but we still try again.

Or maybe, just maybe, when we fall off the edge we begin to fly.  

Stepping out of our comfort zone is never easy.  Hint: that’s why they call it the comfort zone.  And, we will find resistance when we push ourselves. But those uneasy places, those places on the edges, are the places where we find out who we are and who we were meant to be.  And for me, the fear of never flying was greater than falling.

I like what John Burroughs, an American naturalist, is quoted as saying, “Leap and the net will appear.”