Posted in Lifestyle

Stop, Look & Listen

Some of the simplest lessons we learned early in life can still be applied as we grow older. I remember learning to “Stop, Look and Listen!”  before crossing a street. The simple fact that I have been safely crossing streets my entire life is a testament to this valuable life lesson.  I have also discovered that when I reframe “Stop, Look and Listen!” into my current life, it holds true again and again.

So many of the changes that we desire in our lives seem to happen too slowly.  Or, at least that’s how it seems to work for me.  While other changes, the ones that I didn’t necessarily want, seem to happen overnight.   

However, no matter where we are in our lives, the doors to change are always open and available to us.  At times, we might believe that they do not exist.  The reality is, we rarely take the time to stop and see them.  It’s only when we stop, look and listen that we can see the doors to change in our lives. 

First, we need to focus on stopping the negative self-talk.  That’s everything we say to ourselves about how we are not good enough or smart enough.  It is telling ourselves that we are not valuable enough to perpetuate the change we desire in our lives.  The poet Hafiz once said, “The words we speak become the house we live in.”  This means that our words create our emotional home so be very careful about how you choose them.

Next, we must take a good look at ourselves and determine what kind of change we want to incorporate into our lives. When we know what we are looking for it’s easier to see the opportunities that are in front of us.     

Finally, we need to listen to our hearts.  Our hearts are wise and provide intuitive guidance.  Dare to connect with the power and intelligence of your heart.  It will awaken you to the best version of yourself if you just listen to it.

When I take the time to stop, look and listen, it means that I am allowing myself to be open to all that is transpiring around me. And, when I am open to all things, I am also open to God’s purpose and direction for my life. 

It also allows me to see the changes that have already taken place.  Even if they are subtle.  Even if they are small.  And even if I think they are not happening fast enough.   Small changes layer one on top of the other.  They build and they grow.  Like a bucket that catches a slow drip of water steadily over time, it will eventually reach the brim and overflow. 

That is where I find myself today, my bucket overflowing with good and wonderful changes.  And, the future looks a little brighter from this vantage point too.  I dare you to stop, look and listen starting today.  I guarantee you will see open doors you have never seen before. 

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