Posted in Lifestyle

The Value of Authenticity

I never realized just how much I value authenticity. More than any other trait I can think of. Being authentic means being genuine from the inside out.  When we are our authentic selves, we are true to ourselves. We act in congruence with our deepest beliefs.

I believe that it is in our true human nature to be authentic.  Before we become intimidated, tainted, and pushed around by the world we live in.

Before I rediscovered my authentic self, I was doing a lot of pretending.  Pretending to be someone I was not, pretending to be okay with things that I did not agree with.  Sometimes it’s easier to pretend than to stand up for what you believe in.  

So, when I finally found my authenticity, I made her my best friend.

Once found, I felt that she should be lauded and celebrated.  A parade thrown in her honor with ticker tape and inflatable balloons that once lofted skyward strained at the taut ropes that held them.

Strike up the band! 

Shout from the rooftops!

Authenticity has arrived from her deep, deep slumber!

But that is not her way.  She is not so audacious.  She does not require fanfare or a grand entrance.  Rather, she comes on the soft wings of a dove.  She sparks a soft new light at dawn and flutters her eyes wide awake. She inspires loyalty and integrity. 

Each day she chooses bravery and renews her commitment to herself.  She is self-aware and open-minded.  She does not seek validation from others.  She avoids conformity at all costs, and she lives each day connected to her purpose.

Her confidence is new to me, but she has settled into my heart.  And now, I cannot imagine life without her.

Photo courtesy pixabay/aalmeidah