Posted in Lifestyle


I awoke this morning in a soft, warm bed, a handstitched quilt depicting bears and pine trees pulled snuggly beneath my chin.  The aroma of freshly brewed coffee was enticing me from beneath my covers when I heard the faint, distant sound of a train whistle.  First softly, then with increasing volume, as it neared our cabin. 

Old memories flooded back to me, for this was the sound of new beginnings.  It was the same sound that woke me each Saturday morning in our first home as newlyweds.  Not with a jolt, but with a familiar distant rumble and a low-throated whistle.  The sound of the train was so constant that, most times, I barely noticed it.  It became the monotonous steady rhythm of the day and the ever-present vigil of the night.  It resonated softly in the background of my life.

This same train often caught me on my way to work in the morning, chastising me for leaving late.  Even so, there was something mesmerizing about it as I sat impatiently waiting for the lights to stop flashing and the cross-arms to release me on my way.  The train seemed to murmur to me…

Where are you headed in such a hurry? 

Click- Clack, Click-Clack

What’s so important?


What is it you suppose you are missing?


After an eternity, the gates would lift ever so slowly.  And I would race to my next appointment, endeavor, or undertaking never considering these important life questions. 

So, it is ironic that I hear my old friend beckoning this morning.  Does he know of all that has happened in the blink of an eye?  Did he know my children would grow up too fast?  Did he know that friends and parents would leave without the chance to say farewell?  I am aware that time continues to press ahead at an alarming rate despite my attempts to slow it down. 

It is good to hear this reminder again.  It is good to hear the steady rhythm and the long, slow whistle informing me that there is still time for everything. 

Remember where you’re headed today.

Click- Clack, Click-Clack

Remember what’s important.


Focus on what is lovely and necessary, otherwise, you might miss it.


Slow your pace and fall into the steady rhythm of a life well-balanced.  Remember to be present and alive in every moment.  Admit that we know very little about ourselves and why we are here together.  Then, make a commitment to finding these things out.  Because these things are worth the finding.   

But mostly, live a life of fullness and potential because there is still time to do so.