Posted in Humorous

The Other Woman

Recently my husband has been talking to another lady.  Don’t misunderstand, it’s all very innocent.  They chat about benign things like the weather and traffic.   When I ask him why he likes her so much he just laughs and says that she answers all his questions and doesn’t talk back.

I’ll even admit that she’s amusing and smart and has a personality all her own.

 Have you met her?  She’s the assistant on Google.

She moved in about a year ago and has been great with helping around the house.  She turns on various lights for us and sets timers that sound with a soft melodious ring.

When we get home from work and say “Hey Google, play Jimmy Buffet.”  We are immediately transported to Margaritaville while Jimmy croons about stepping on pop tops and losing his flip flops.  If my husband isn’t home to roll his eyes she’ll even play what he calls “my tribal Indian music.”

She will answer questions about when the local stores are closing, who won the Braves game and even tell us amusing jokes if we ask her.  And she’s always so gosh darn pleasant.  Sounds great, right?

Then why don’t I like her?  I think it’s because she’s always in a good mood. And she’s always sweet-talking my husband who doesn’t understand my disdain for her.  He thanks her for this and that and she replies with “it’s what I’m here for” or “it’s my pleasure.”  Who can compete with that?  She’s starting to make me look bad.  I’ve actually considered throwing her off the back deck when no one is home.

So far my husband hasn’t mentioned the difference in our attitudes but I know it’s coming.  He asked me the other day if I had picked up his shirts at the cleaners.  “It’s what I live for,” I responded.  He just rolled his eyes.