Posted in Humorous

The Peach Pit Paradox

Each spring, brilliant pink blossoms explode from the branches of the peach tree that graces our front yard.  Afterward, much to our dismay, the small tree is laden with a multitude of small, hard, inedible peaches that cause the branches to droop significantly.   When we bought the tree, the nursery assured us that it was strictly ornamental and it would not bear fruit.  So much for that theory.

A little while ago we began noticing a lot of peach pits on our front sidewalk.  Each morning I would puzzle over this strange peach-pit-phenomenon while I picked up at least twenty or so pits.  The next morning it would look as if I hadn’t picked up any!  Peach pits littered my sidewalk and overflowed onto the lawn.  

Not sure what to do with my peach pit bounty, I did what everyone else does and Googled it.  Much to my surprise, Pinterest popped up with “190 Best Craft – Fruit Pit Creations” depicting intricately carved people, whimsical animal figurines and ornaments purported to grace the White House Christmas tree!  Carved sailing ships and a peach pit wedding ring rounded out the offerings!  I started to think that maybe my peach-pit-ship had come in! 

Later that evening, our front door camera caught the peach-pit-phantom fleeing the scene!  It seems that the deer have been stopping by for an early breakfast each day.  Apparently, they chomp on the peaches and then carelessly spit the pits all over my yard.  At least we finally have an answer to the peach pit paradox.  The only question left now is which carving tools I need to buy to start my peach pit figurine business. 

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