Posted in Humorous

The Thrill Is Gone


We have been working from home for over a month now and, consequently, I have noticed some subtle changes in our relationship.  Yesterday, I couldn’t take it any longer so I Googled the top signs that you may be headed for a breakup.   I was very concerned with what I found. 

My dog had the top four signs:

Number 1.  He wants more time alone. 

This is one is so obvious.  He used to wait eagerly for me to get home each day.  I could barely make it in the door before he started with his big, wet slobbery kisses.  Now it seems that I can barely get his attention.  He seems distant.  Many days I catch him just staring out the window.  The website recommended that I “give him a little time, don’t follow him and see if he comes back.”  Thanks, Google, this advice never even worked when I was in high school.

Number 2.  He puts his friends first. 

I remember when I would let him out in the yard, and he would race back in to see me again.  Now I have to go to the door and call his name over and over.  When he doesn’t come back in I typically find him at the fence talking to the neighbor dog.  Sometimes I have to go out and drag him back in.  Talk about a blow to your ego!

Number 3.  He has stopped making an effort.  

The website said that relationships require effort.  Yesterday I dropped a morsel of food on the floor and he never even lifted his head in my direction!  I had to pick up the food and walk it over to him before he would eat it.  Need I say more?

Number 4.  He doesn’t appreciate me.

Who needs a website to figure this one out?  I tried to lavish him with expensive gifts.  Special new dog treats and a collapsible water bowl.  I even bought him a new collar and matching leash.  Sure, when I ask if he wants to go for a walk, he acts all excited to go out but I can tell by the fourth or fifth walk that day that clearly, he is “over it”. The thrill is gone.

I do wonder, however, if I am reading too much into these signs.  I am hopeful that when I go back to the office full-time our relationship will return to normal.  But, if that doesn’t work, I’ve already got a pint of “breakup” Haagen Daz in the freezer ready to go.