Posted in Lifestyle

True North

True North on a map is found by following the lines of longitude. These are the lines that run between the South Pole and the North Pole. A compass can direct you in a northward fashion, but it is unable to direct you to True North. If you were to set a course for the North Pole, you would have to follow the undeviating lines of longitude to get there.

True North is also the internal compass that guides us through life.  It is who you are at your core, what you believe in and what your values are.  It is a fixed point within you that helps you stay on track in a world that, all too often, feels out of control.

Following our internal True North requires us to follow our hearts and our inner guide. It requires us to be intentional about our thoughts and our actions.  It calls us to be mindful of others.  It keeps us grateful and in the present moment.

It offers us the chance to step back and consider what is important today and then to act with intention.  When we act with intention, we begin to create the life that we want.  Intentions can include practicing more compassion, practicing gratitude, or listening to others without distraction.  It can even be as simple as setting a general intention for your day when you wake up each morning.

So follow your True North and have an intentional day today!