Posted in Lifestyle

What Kind Of Vegetable Are You?

Have you ever wondered what kind of vegetable you are?  Me either.  That was until I happened across an online personality test offered on BuzzFeed that would tell you exactly that!  Upon completing the test you are assigned a vegetable that has your personality associated with it.

I know this is silly but the interesting thing about it was that when I mentioned it to a group of people at work, suddenly everyone wanted to know what kind of vegetable they were!  Some of them took the quiz immediately.  And, by the time I got back to my desk from lunch, a good number of people knew if they were more like a carrot or a piece of broccoli.  Or, if they closely identified as a mushroom or felt more akin to an onion.

Obviously these personality tests are all in fun but it’s interesting how much we are drawn to these types of tests.  How we crave confirmation of who we think we are.  Even a trivial quiz can make us feel good about how we have defined ourselves.  And, regardless of the results, we tend to focus on the outcomes we like and ignore the ones we don’t. 

One person actually reported to me that she took the test several times in order to obtain a different vegetable status.  And, that’s ok.  We are all individuals with our own special talents but often times we just want to feel normal and fit in with the crowd.   We want to know that we belong. Fundamentally we find that very rewarding.

Besides the fun factor, these tests offer us the opportunity for self-reflection.  A chance to measure our strengths and weaknesses against our goals and aspirations. So, if you are looking for a little insight, feel free to find out what kind of vegetable you are.  I am broccoli, which is known for being “misunderstood”.   I have made repeated attempts to become a Zucchini, however, as I hear they are much more versatile and fun to be around.