Posted in Lifestyle

What The World Needs Now

“Is love, sweet love, not just for some, but for everyone.”

These are a few of the lyrics from a popular song that was released in 1965, the same year that I was born.  Apparently, it is a sign that I am supposed to spread the message of love.  Okay, maybe it’s not a sign, but it’s a good enough reason anyway.  Especially right now in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.

It’s natural for us to be stressed out and fearful right now.  And while we need to be cognizant of what is happening around us and stay healthy it is also a good time to recognize that there may be others who truly need our help.

I have read several stories this week that highlight the human spirit.  From those delivering food to people in need, teenagers offering free online tutoring, to people literally singing and playing musical instruments on their balconies in order to uplift the spirits of others.

Each and every one of us has an intense longing to be loved.  This is one of our most basic needs.  What we don’t always realize, however, is that we also have the basic need to love and care for others.  That is just how we are wired.  

Offering small acts of kindness towards others can fulfill this need within us.  It gives us a sense of purpose and generates happiness.  And we could all use a little more happiness right now. 

Many of us have been taught that happiness comes from outside of us, that is can be found in achieving success or wealth.  However, true happiness comes from inside of us.  Why do we feel so good when we help someone and practice generosity and love? Because it comes from a place inside of us where we tell ourselves that we have more than enough.  A place where we have everything we already need.  And from this place of abundance, we can afford to be generous with our time, our possessions and our love.

Being generous and loving undoubtedly boosts our own happiness levels.  It builds confidence and shifts focus away from ourselves.  Ultimately, it gives us a more outward view of the world.

In a time where we are easily caught up in scarcity thinking, we need to carefully walk the line between preparing and panicking.  And, now is the perfect time to practice generosity and love for a world in need.