Posted in Lifestyle

Word Of The Year

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A couple of years ago I began selecting a “word of the year” in place of making a traditional New Year’s resolution.  In the past couple of years, I have chosen words such as shine and grow. 

This year my word is emerge. 

The definition of emerge is to move away from something and come in to view; to become apparent or known.  When I think of something that emerges, I think of something that has been in existence but finally comes into the light.  To me, the word also suggests a slow yet prominent force that, once apparent, cannot be denied. 

And so, I am ready to emerge.  To become visible.  I see 2022 as a year of growth, open doors, and immeasurable change.

If you are ready to find your “word of the year”, I have put together a list of steps to help you get started.

Step One:  Spend a little time thinking about an area of your life you would like to improve.  Is there an area that you are struggling with?  Is there an area where you would like to grow?

Step Two:  Make a list of word choices that define an area you would like to focus on.  Write down anything you can think of and then choose a word that is actionable.  Here are just a few words to get you started:












Step Three:  Keep it simple all you overachievers! Choose just ONE word.

Step Four:  Make that word your “word of the year”.  Make it visible and practice it daily.  Tape it on your bathroom mirror, place it on your cellphone screen, print it on card stock, and attach it to your keychain.  Anywhere you will see it as a daily reminder.  Remember, what you focus on, expands.

Step Five:  Come up with a plan to incorporate it into your daily life and have an awesome 2022!

In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”  Ghandi

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