Posted in Humorous

Would you like that to go?

There is a morning routine at our house.  Make the coffee. Let the dogs out. Empty Alfred, the robot vacuum cleaner. Let the dogs in. Pack a lunch. Tell the dogs, “No, you just went out.” and then let them out again anyway!  All this before 5:00 a.m.  And, by the way, all done by my husband. Not me.

Yesterday I was feeling a little guilty about my lack of participation in the morning routine so, last minute, I rushed downstairs and threw some protein bars in a “to go” bag for my hubby to take to work.  I know, stand back Martha Stewart, you got nothing on me.  But this small act did make me feel better about myself and, I too headed off to work.

A little later that morning, I got a call from my husband.  Here’s the conversation that ensued;

Him: “Hey, you put some Cliff bars in a bag for me.”

This was an obvious statement so I thought that somehow he had misplaced them or something on his way to his office.

Me: “Yes, I did.” 

Him: “Did you look in the bag before you put them in there?”

I paused and thought for a moment. Maybe he had found some money in the bag? Some leftover change from the grocery perhaps?  A stray twenty dollar bill that he wanted to return to me?

Me: “No, just threw them in the bag.” 

Him:  “Well, um, it’s got two big handfuls of fur in it with my Cliff bars!”

I quickly deduced that a money scenario would not be taking place.

Me: “Excuse me?”

Him:  “Yeah.  Dog fur.  A whole big bunch of it.”

Me:  Silence.

Then laughter when I realized what had happened.

Apparently, I grabbed the “dog fur” bag that my daughter keeps in the garage when she brushes the dogs.  I asked her to throw it away but you know how these young adults are today,  raised to be conscious of the environment, don’t waste anything, etc., etc., etc.  She has this notion that she should wait until the bag is full of fur before she throws it out.  She’s probably right.

That is, unless you grab that bag of fur unknowingly and throw your husband’s protein bars in it. To be clear, the protein bars were individually wrapped so no real harm, right?  He did say that it took a while to separate the bars from the fur though.  And, fur was everywhere in the process.  I’m not sure where the de-furring took place.  I was too ashamed to ask him as I assumed this occurred at his office. 

Definitely feeling like my wife-card might be revoked, I made a nice dinner last night.  I grilled chicken.  I cut up vegetables.  I set the table with napkins and everything.  Maybe there is a little Martha in me after all.  I think it turned out pretty well.  Just don’t ask me for a “to go” bag!

4 thoughts on “Would you like that to go?

  1. …gives a whole new meaning to the word ‘doggie bag’ doesn’t it? There are so many time in my life I wish I had just looked things over, or done a quick review – but then these are the funny stories we look back on, laugh and bind our hearts and souls

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